
Recently, I am very busy with my life. My mom-in-law fell down two weeks ago and her face and leg is hurt. She was bleeding a lot on her face so she was sent to clinic to stitch her bruise. She can't stand and walk for too long as her legs hurt. So, from then everyday when i have finished my job, i have to do the cooking too. It's not like I didn't help before but now it's like i have to be in charge of it now. Luckily my hubby did help me around with the cooking or not, i will be spending more time than expected as everybody is waiting to have their dinner around 7pm. I have read an interesting book that i would like to introduce. I found this book at my ex-colleague office, it is called "Who moved my cheese?" by this Dr. Spencer Johnson. It is talking about changes in life and how do you deal with it. I think anyone who likes reading, especially you, sis, would love this book. As after i have read the book, i found that i can see things differently. Maybe for now, it effected my thoughts. Today i am suppose to go for an interview at Toys r Us. They are going to open soon in Bintang Plaza. They are hiring Supervisor/Head Cashier; Retail Associates and Sales Promoter. I was thinking of trying the job as working in a toys environment seems interesting but when you give a deep thought on it.....looks like it is not a realistic job. As i know, the salary should be very low. Furthermore, you have to work 12 hours in a shopping mall. Long hours..... Finally, i have decided not to go. Maybe this job doesn't suit me after all.

Kelven's 3rd Birthday

On 14th November was my son, Kelven 3rd birthday. He has been expecting this day to come started a month ago. The reason is because he wanted to blow the candles and cut cake. Isn't it nice being a kid? No worries and parents will arrange everything for them. So this year due to the economic situation, we celebrate it as simple as it could be. We did it at home, buying a cheese cake, which my son likes to eat and a present for him, toy car. He was so happy that day as all his cousins came and celebrate it with him. Well, he has grown up a lot. We couldn't believe that our son is already 3 years old. Time passes..... and i am getting old, I couldn't deny that.

Surprising phone call

Well, today i was doing the same, looking around in the newspaper and see if there is any job that suits me. So an advertisement attracts me so much that i have called the phone number immediately during my lunch break. To my surprise, the job that i want to enquire is actually my old job. What a coincidence! So i didn't ask more about that because i knew what are they looking for. I just hang up the phone by saying that's all i want to know. After that, being a busy-body, i called to my ex-colleague and found that they are really in need of workers now. She even asked me to consider going back and work part-time there. I guess i have to consider for a while as going back to same old place wasn't something that i wanted to do. Let's just see how it goes.

My First Blog

It has been a while since I have written something in a blog but after reading my sister's blog, it gave me an urge to do the same too. Sometimes there are too many things that are unspoken and cannot be spoken by mouth. I guess by expressing it through words do helps a lot in my mental stability and comfortability. Well, I hope I wouldn't be too lazy to update my blog just like what i have done in my friendster blog. Wish all the best then....

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.