Tadika Miri Gospel Chapel

Thanks for the feedback from a reader of my blog. Therefore, I will give some feedback and comment on this kindergarten that my Kelven is studying in. 

I remember 3 years ago, we were having hard decision to choose the right school for our Kelven. We have been asking around from friends, which kindergarten is the best for their kids. We have been suggested a few such as Krokop Kindergarten, Tai Poo Kindergarten, Sri Indah Kindergarten and more. 
My hubby and I have the same thinking, no matter which school you study, it is more or less the same. The most important thing is whether your child is willing to study and learn from the school. In the end, we have chosen Tadika Miri Gospel Chapel due to several reasons and until now, we have not regretted chosen this right school for Kelven.

We are actually not Christian but we are still choosing a Christian school for our Kelven. We believe that by going to a Christian school, Kelven's bad tempered can be controlled. I wouldn't say it is fully controlled now but at least it is getting better than before. Further, I have heard quite a lot of good feedback from friends about this kindergarten. My sister-in-law and my hubby's friend has also enrolled their kids in this school.  So in the end, we do the same.  

There are 2 classes for Level 1, 2 classes for Level 2, and 3 classes for Level 3 students. Level 1 are divided to Dolphin class and Starfish class. Kelven was in Dolphin class for the first year. Level 2 and Level 3 are divided by colors. There are Yellow, Green, Red, Orange and Purple class. My Kelven was in Yellow class in Level 2 and Purple class now. There are only morning classes but working parents can choose to let their child to stay at the school in the afternoon. They will be taken care by some teachers, having their lunch, bathing and sleeping. After that, doing their homework before it is time for their parents to fetch them. My Kelven did not join the afternoon class but he is following a teacher from the school to the teacher's house for tuition in the afternoon. Doing the same thing, just as the school did.

The principal of this school is nice, caring and friendly. She can even remember all the students' name by heart. The teachers are all responsible, caring and friendly too. No matter what problem you have, you can just asked the help of the teachers and they are all willing to help. All the kids are fond of their teachers. Even my Kelven too. He can even know all the names of the teachers in school eventhough the teachers didn't teach him before. There are mixture of different races of students in school, mostly chinese and bumiputera. But they have no problem in communicating with each other. They are all communicating in chinese, even the bumiputeras too. So you wouldn't be surprised that one day your child can even speak some of the bumiputera language too. 

As for the teaching materials, it is more or less the same in any other kindergarten. Only that they have one more subject to learn, which is Bible knowledge. They are now introducing the UK English to the students. There are interactive learning system in their English subject. They are also having computer learning once a week. All subjects are emphasizing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The teachers will monitor carefully on each student's progress and improvement in those skills and make a remark on the report card. 

The school will also bring the students for at least two educational trips to certain place in a year.  It can be the Public Library, Muzium Petroleum, Crocodile Farm, Miri Park, Banks, and lots of other places. The students will have the chances to enjoy outdoors learning. The teachers are doing a great job in handling the kids in group, so we are quite rest assured that our Kelven is safe with their teachers. Every time after the trip, Kelven will be overexcited to tell me what he has learnt from the trip. 

Every year, the school will held different type of events for the students to participate. There will be Sport Day, Family Day, Children Day and more. They will also make a small celebration in class before the coming of certain celebration, such as Chinese New Year, MoonCake Festival, and more. All this events and celebration are my Kelven's favourite. He will normally wake up pretty early on those days. 

The school will also held different types of competition every year. For Level 1 and Level 2, there will be Rhyme Recitation Competition, in English and Chinese. While Level 3 will be having Story Telling Competition, in English and Chinese too. They will also having Writing Skill Competition in English and Chinese, whereas they will be giving marks according to the students handwriting. They even have Singing Competition, Fancy Dress Competition, Photos Contest and more. So the students will have the chances to perform their talent not only in the academic. My Kelven is quite active in these competition as it is his strength to speak especially in public but not in singing.

Every end of the year, the school will held 文艺晚会 either at the Church or at the Dewan Suarah. The students are given the opportunity to perform their dancing skills and singing skills on the said night. Of course prior practices are needed before the night. But it is really worth it when you see your kids perform on the stage. Seeing their cute faces and action will makes your day brighter for the day. Too bad, my Kelven wasn't involved in this event for last 2 years. As he is quite shy to dance and perform dancing on stage. 

Lastly, the school will normally held the Graduation Ceremony especially for the Level 3 students. The Level 1 and Level 2 students will also be there for prize giving ceremony. In this day, the students will also perform dancing and singing as entertainment to the parents and teachers. In this day, the school will summarized what they have done in that year. Letting you know what your kids have done and learnt at school. 

Overall, I am quite happy with the school as my Kelven has really learnt a lot from the school not only in academic but also in different aspect of morale value. He has become more brave and matured. I remembered when he has first started going to the school, he has been very shy, refusing to go to school, and crying everyday. But now after three years in the school, he has started to be independent and he is also now hoping that he wouldn't leaving the school soon. 

I hope with my feedback and comments will help a lot to those who are interested about this school. Lastly, I will still give a thumbs up to Tadika Miri Gospel Chapel!

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Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.