Kelson 6 - 7 months

This month, Kelson has learnt to crawl forward. When you put something in front of him, which is out of his reach, he will struggle to get the thing himself by crawling to the object. He can also now sit in a baby chair. You can see lots of his facial expression now. He still likes to put anything into his mouth.

Kelven at the same age as Kelson

Kelven's Singing Competition

23rd September, 2011

Today is Kelven's School Singing Competition. This is the first time Kelven joined in this Competition. During last two years, he didn't have the courage to sing on the stage and in front of the audience. But this year, I had persuaded him to join as this could be the last chance and experience for him in his last year of Kindergarten. I am quite proud of him as this year, he has changed a lot. He is not as timid as before and daring to try anything this year. 

So Kelven has chosen a chinese children song, title "雨中即景" for this competition. He has fallen in love with this song on the first time he heard it. An old song that I think all of us will know this song once you heard it. He has been practice a month for it. Even though he didn't get any prize for this competition but the experience of singing on the stage is quite worth it. I guess he will remember it for his whole life. 

My Online Boutique Part II ~ WE Fashion House

Been operating for a few months since April 2011 and we are doing good too. We are now selling variety of products such as women' dresses, tops, jackets, jumpers, bra sets, sweet and sexy pyjamas and bags too. All are only for RM28 per piece only! (excluded bags). We are having both ready stock and pre-order stock. So I have opened another branch at Haiyo Mall for the convenience of the shoppers. But it is mainly in Chinese language. For those who prefer English more, please stay tuned at For those who prefer Chinese more, welcome to visit us at Haiyo Mall, at this link. Thank you for my friends and family support all this while. I promise I will bring in more and more great fashion stuff into my Boutique in the future.

P.S. Please help me to like my boutique fanpage in Facebook at

My new iphone4

19th September, 2011

I have been using iphone 4 since my birthday this year. There is a problem with the phone especially with the button below (the one with the square symbol on it). The button is for you to return back to the main menu. I have problem in pressing it. I always need several attempts in pressing it until it works and it sometimes gets on my nerves. We have found out that this happens to most of the user of iphone 4. One of my hubby's friend has went to the Digi Centre to complain about this problem and he has got another replacement new iphone 4 for it. So I did the same too. The customer service staff said that there have been a lot people applying for the replacement. So we have been waiting for at least one month for the replacement. Finally, Digi messages me to get my replacement today. Got my new iphone 4 today. Not bad huh? Get 2 new iphone 4 in a year. For those who are facing the same problem, just do the same. Thumbs up to the Digi Customer Service!

My Brother-in-law's Wedding

11th September, 2011

Today is a big day for our family. My hubby's youngest brother is getting married today. My parents-in-law have been quite busy lately preparing for the marriage. Finally, their youngest son is getting married now. I think most parents wish that their children can find their own happiness. I wonder after 25 years later, how I will feel when my sons are getting married. 

We are getting busy for the whole day too. As my hubby said he and his friends also join as "兄弟" for the fetching the bride ceremony. So early in the morning, all of us wake up early, even Kelven and Kelson too, go for the ceremony too. But me, Kelven and Kelson are only waiting in the car. Because on this day, according to chinese superstitious, people who were born on pig year, couldn't see the bride going into the house. 

While waiting in the car

After the fetching bride ceremony, we go straightaway to their own new house. Of course there is fire crackers for inviting the coming of the bride and all that. The rest of the process, I am not really participating as I am busy taking care of my Kelson. Only managed to take some photos at their house. 

Some snapshots at their new house
The Bride and the Bridegroom
After that, all of us go to my house for the worship "拜神" and tea ceremony "敬茶仪式". Then all of them are having lunch at my house too. Some photos taken at my house.

Kelven busy playing games with his cousins

During the tea ceremony

Kelson is excited seeing lots of people in the house

Our family photo
We have some time to rest in the afternoon before the wedding dinner. But it is still a rush for us for the preparation. Of course I need more time to make up. Haha.....further Kelven is going to be the "花童" during the wedding. So he has been to the hair stylist to do his hair. This is the first time Kelven being the "花童". We have also arranged a special way of bringing the bride and bridegroom in. Since Mid Autumn Festival is on tomorrow, so we have let Kelven and Chloe wearing the traditional chinese wear and carrying the lantern all the way to the stage. Some photos taken at the wedding dinner. 

Before the entry

Walking in, all the way to the stage, bringing the bride and bridegroom in

On the stage

See how cute they are together
Well, during the dinner, Kelson has been sleeping all the way from the starting from the first dishes till the end of the dishes. So I have been carrying him in my arms during the dinner. We have also taken some photos during the dinner.

Before the dinner

Three of us, Kelven has been sitting at another table with his auntie

Eating chocolate

Cute 花童

Me and Alice Moi (She is my father's cousin, which means is my 堂姑)

Kelson is sleeping in my arms, see his butt, CUTE!
In the end of the dinner, we have to wait till everyone has left then we got the chances to take family photos at the stage. Some photos taken after the dinner.

See how happy the kids are

Our Whole Family Photo

Our family photo

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.