Finally....It's time for delivery!

27th February, 2011

Today was a big day for me and my family. My baby boy, Kelson Tan Kai Xi was born today at 3.22a.m. at the Miri General Hospital. He weighs 3.15kg and 50cm height.

On midnight, my stomach has started to feel pain. I thought I was only wanted to go to the toilet but then when I was at the toilet, I found out that there was blooding coming out too. Feeling nervous and scared, immediately I told my hubby about it. Then, I can feel that he was even more nervous than me and wanted to send me to hospital right away. But to our dismay, at the same time, suddenly my son Kelven woke up from his sleep and said he was not feeling well and vomiting all the stuff he has eaten the night before. Feeling worried of him, we didn't go to the hospital immediately but settled him first before going.

After that, we rushed to the hospital, my stomach pain has becoming more and more frequent, more and more pain. My hubby keep on comforting me that everything will be ok as this is not my first time. I knew this is my second time but the feeling of nervousness still covers all over me. But then I learnt to stay calm as I need to use most of my energy for the delivery. We reached the hospital at around 12.30a.m. something.

Once arrived, we have to do all the registration first before admitted to the ward. Then I was sent to a room where they stick something on your tummy, to hear the heartbeat of the baby. I was left in that room alone for almost 2 hours and I was told that it was only 2cm. So I was then sent to the ward again to wait for it to be opened till 6cm. When I reached the ward, I was told to read certain rules and regulation for staying at the ward but at that time, I don't think I even know what I am reading, and just simply say I understand. While reading, the nurse saw the reaction on my face showing that I am really in pain. Then, they asked me whether it is really painful and for how frequent it pain. I told them estimated 5 minutes once, they are shocked and quickly asked me to go into a room and let them checked whether how many cm it is. Finally, they found out that it is already 6cm, and quickly asked me to get changed and pushed me to the labour room by wheelchair immediately. I was also so shocked of how fast it was for me to be sent to the labour room and I remember the last word I told my hubby is "It's time for delivery."

In the labour room, I was then laid down on a bed and the nurse started to do the neccessary for the delivery. I was then checked by a doctor and said they have to broke the water bag to make the delivery goes faster. During that process, it was like hell. I was feeling more and more painful, and I started pushing and pushing, finally, my baby is out to this world....... 

It was such a relief that all this has come to an end. My baby and I are in a good condition so we were discharged from the hospital on this same day around 1.30p.m. Kelven was feeling so excited to see us both back from the hospital. He is so happy to have a little brother to accompany him.

Kelven feeling so excited to see us.

Brings back my memory when I just delivered Kelven. My eldest baby boy, Kelven Tan Kai Wen was born on 14th November, 2005 at 8.22a.m. at the Miri General Hospital. He weighs 3.45kg.

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.