Kelson 2 - 3 months

Another month has passed and my Kelson is now 3 months old. See how big he is now. We couldn't even managed to carry him for a long time. At this age, he started like to play very much. If you accompany him playing during his awake time, you will see him laughing and giggling. He also likes talking to you too. When you speak to him, he will answer you back by saying, "aaaah ge aaah ge." Cute huh? And now he likes to put his hand into his mouth too and sucks it till you can hear the sucking sound. Haha.....That's why you see his cheek is red because of his hands scratching his own face.

Kelson with daddy, mommy and brother Kelven

Kelven at the same age as Kelson

My 6th Wedding Anniversary

14th May, 2011

Today is my 6th Wedding Anniversary. Couldn't believe that our marriage has been in the sixth year now and our family has grown to four family members. When you recall back to six years ago, I was still young and single, carefree without any burden. I remember how my wedding was. I am not as lucky enough as the other women, who can have their own wedding ceremony, inviting all their friends and family for their wedding. Six years ago, I have accidentally got pregnant and with this reason, I have to get married soon. That's why Kelven is the same age as my wedding anniversary. At first, we were thinking of having a wedding ceremony too but at the same time, my hubby's big brother was also getting married. So in their hokkien superstitious, brothers couldn't have the wedding together, so we were said to have it after the baby born. Then we just went to the Chinese Chamber Association to registered married on the 14th May, 2005 and that's how my marriage is. Even our wedding photo was taken after two years of marriage, when my Kelven was already two years old and like I said, I am not lucky enough to have a wedding ceremony because after Kelven was born, it was like unnecessary to have a wedding ceremony anymore. Because everyone knew you are married with a baby now. What for having a ceremony to tell the whole world that you are married! But then I believe that all this ceremony thing really doesn't matter to me anymore because I don't even have much friends and family and marriage is something between you and your husband. So as long as you are happy with him, then nothing matters. Till now, I am so grateful that I have chosen the right man to be with for the rest of my life. Wish that our marriage will go on forever till the end of my life. :)

the young, carefree and single Me :)

My Wedding Photo (Well, I am not really satisfied with most of my wedding photos as it was taken by a poor quality studio [Monalisa]) 

Happy Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!

This year, my rank of a mother has increase because I am now a mother of two children. Sometimes I just couldn't believe that this is true. Seeing my two children in front of me everyday has made me feel that my responsible as a mother has becoming more and more. It wasn't easy being a mother and sometimes I just wonder how those mothers with more than two children can survive. Because now, I am feeling hard to breathe too. Haha....but I believe it will be worth it.

Being a mother now has made me love my mom more. Eventhough we are apart now, she is in KL and I am in Miri, we still keep in touch with each other always. The only regret I have now is I couldn't be by her side like my sister do. I really wish one day, my mom can come back to Miri and stay here forever then I could have the chance to take care of her, going shopping together and even living with her like how we was during my childhood. Apart from that, I want to say many many sorry to her too for those bad things I have said or done to her. I knew I have a bad temper and sometimes I just couldn't control of how I was reacting. Sorry, mom for hurting you and thank you so much for always forgiving me, no matter how bad I am. I Love You, Mom, Forever and always!

This year is the first time I received carnations from my hubby and my two sons. It was so sweet of Kelven to handing over the flower to me and said "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy" to me. I am so happy that my hubby and my eldest son, Kelven has been secretly went out and bought me the flowers. How sweet of them! Of course I have to thank my hubby for the flowers too. Further, Kelven has made some craftwork at school, which is another Mother's Day present for me.

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.