Homemade Birthday Cake Order

25th March, 2018

Received order from my sister in law for making a birthday cake for my niece, Karrie. Made the same Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes and decorate it with pastel color as requested. Hope she liked it!

Souvenir from Korea

22nd March, 2018

Received souvenir from my colleague, Jane which she bought from Korea. Thank you so much for the souvenir. 

Branch Annual Awards Night 2018

14th March, 2018

Today is my company Branch Annual Awards Night. This year I was assigned to be the floor manager, partnering with one of the colleague from HQ. It was quite a busy and stress night but finally it has come to a smooth end. 

Cute Hat

13th March, 2018

My hubby bought two handicraft hat today and wear it with Kelson. They took photos with it. So cute. 

Happy 40th Birthday, Hubby!

13th March, 2018

Happy Birthday to my Love. This year we celebrated my hubby's birthday one day earlier as on the 14th, I still have to work OT. This year I made a homemade Birthday Cake for him. His favourite Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes. Design it with pastel color. He said he likes it very much. We also went for a his favourite dinner tonight before cutting the cake. 

Kelson's New Pet Tortoise

4th March, 2018

After 放生 that day during Chap Goh Mei, Kelson has been saying that he missed the little tortoise that we let it go that day. In the end, my hubby went to buy another two new pet tortoise for Kelson. 

Celebrating Daphne's Birthday

3rd March, 2018

Went to Piato Brekkie to celebrate Daphne's Birthday. Having nice food here. 

Happy Chap Goh Mei 2018

2nd March, 2018

This year Chap Goh Mei was celebrated in a simple way as today is a working day. So after work my hubby bring us to go 放生. He bought some fishes and four tortoises to put them back to a pond. Tonight the dishes for the dinner is all takeaway food as we don't have the time cook. 

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.