Western Dinner

30th April, 2018

It has been a long time since I have eaten the Chicken Chop at Jingwood Cafe. Went to have dinner after work with my hubby tonight. I have ordered the Pork Chop tonight. 

A Short Trip to Batu Niah

29th April, 2018

Having a short trip to Batu Niah today. We just have a simple trip and only managed to visit the museum but not to the Niah Caves. Considering Kelven's condition now, we don't feel it is very convenient for him to go too far to the cave. But we enjoyed the short road trip together as togetherness is the most precious in life.

Kelven's Fractured Wrist

21st April, 2018

Yesterday evening, Kelven has a fall at his school. He has hurt his hands and knee, so we brought him  to Columbia Asia that evening to check his bruise and pain. Too bad the X-ray Department has already been off duty, so we didn't managed to take an X-ray of his hand. The doctor just said if his pain continues the next day, we have to come back for X-ray again. So we went back home as if nothing serious as the doctor said looks like it is only outer bruise only. 

The next day, Kelven still complained that he still feels pain around his right hand. So we brought him to the Columbia Asia again to take an X-ray and got the report of his wrist was fractured. Immediately we want to see the doctor but too bad the doctor was off duty again. So in the end, we went to see the doctor at the Miri City Medical Centre and get his wrist fixed. Luckily everything goes smoothly and Kelven has to wear a sling for almost one and a half month. 

First X-Ray taken at Columbia Asia

While waiting for seeing the doctor

After the small operation

Resting at the ward


Shopping Experience at Hermos

12th April, 2018

My shopping experience with Hermos for the second time. Recently fallen in love with products from Innisfree. Bought their two set of their series of Green Tea and Green Tea Seed. Love the smell and feels so good after using it. Thumbs up to Innisfree. 

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.