Our House New Plate Number

30th November, 2021

My hubby finally put on our house new plate number today. Actually we got the number during my pregnancy period, so he waited until I have already delivered baby then do it. It looks so nice and so obvious at our gate. Now the courier people won't have difficulty finding our house anymore. 

Confinement Day 1

30th November, 2021

Today just started my confinement as yesterday i reached home around evening time. Then the confinement lady said she couldn't prepare my meal for the night as the meat are not thaw yet. 

For this time confinement, we hired a confinement lady that stays at our house for this whole month. Her salary is around RM5,500. She will take care of my meals and baby's everything. Then I could have a good rest. 

My day 1 confinement meals looks like this today. 

Baby Yvonne finally sleeps in her own cot today. 

Kelson finally got the chance to hug his little sister today. 

My hubby also hugging his little princess. 

Discharge Day

29th November, 2021

Today we are still at the hospital until around 4pm something. We are allowed to discharge from hospital after doctor came to visit us and checked everything is OK with me and baby. Finally back home today! 

Waiting to go back home today. 

We are back home finally. Kelson is so excited seeing his little sister. 

We also bring back the placenta to plant this fengshui plant "观音竹". 

Finally...it's time for Delivery!

28th November, 2021

Today is another big day for me and my family. My baby girl, Yvonne Tan Yee Hann was born today at 8.28pm at Columbia Asia Hospital. She weighs 2.52kg and 44cm height.

Today arrived Columbia Asia Hospital for induced labour around 9am. Then waiting for the staff for arranging my hospital admission procedure. Being checked in to Room 221 here. After that we just wait for the arrival of the doctor. Doctor arrived around 10.45am and put the induced medication into me around 11am. After that, we will just need to wait for the delivery process to happen. 

From 11am to 3.20pm, I can still eat like normal and relax like that. But after 3.20pm, i started to feel pain starting, every 3 to 4 minutes the pain is coming. Then my hubby went to inform the midwife there and she checked my cervix is not open yet and baby's head is also not heading really down yet. Advising me to walk walk around the room to help with the cervix opening. 

Until 7.15pm something, I found a blood show on my underwear. Quickly informed the midwife there, and helped me to check and said the cervix open 3cm like that. Then asked me to wait again. But the pain is getting stronger and stronger. Plus the blood is getting out more and more. My hubby is so worried and quickly informed the midwife there to come and checked my condition immediately. But they said my cervix also just opened around 4cm like that, only my cervix linings is getting very thin. Then when they found out my blood came out a lot after they checked, only they get nervous and call my doctor to come. Then preparing me to labour room immediately. 

On the way to the labour room, I don't remember what has happened, as I feel breathless and I have become unconscious of what's happening around me. I am given the oxygen to inhale and I am also on drip. I am lucky to have my hubby beside me, to keep calling me to look at him and concentrate on what he says. If not, I think I am already fainted and unconscious. I can hear people speaking around me, but I can feel my whole body and soul is already uncontrolled by me. I just knew I keep on having the urge to push and push. My hubby said I really push until my shit also came out before baby coming out. Furthermore, my doctor is not reaching the hospital yet and they keep asking me to hold not to push yet. But I couldn't help to push harder and harder, in the end baby came out before the doctor reach the labour room. Even my placenta came out at the same time as my baby. Finally, my baby has safely arrived this world and I am still too exhausted and dizzy after the process of labour. I am so glad to have my hubby beside me. If not, I wonder if I will still be able get out of the labour room. 

The doctor arrived after my baby is out. Then he came to do the stitching job on me. The doctor explained what has happened actually to me after the delivery. The placenta was removed from my uterus before my baby coming out, that's why I am having so many bleeding after my first blood show. Luckily doctor said everything went on smoothly. Baby is healthy and my progress also OK. Thanks God for the blessing of our safety. 

From my hubby view for the whole delivery process today, he said it is really a scary experience. He said when he saw lots of blood coming out from me, he really worried that I will have heavy bleeding, he saw the blood coming out is in black and red colour and lots of blood clot too. After that during the delivery process, he said even though my eyes look at him but I didn’t really giving response to him. I just seems like staring at him but give no response to him. That’s why he keep calling me again and again. He also said he saw the baby’s head is coming out halfway, but the midwife there keep asking me to hold on first just because the doctor has not arrived. He even commented to the midwife, my wife is going to faint if you guys asked her to hold any longer. In the end, the midwife said it’s ok we can help to deliver your baby too, then he quickly call me and ask me to push. When the baby is out with the placenta, my hubby saw that the baby inside the ammonia sac is not moving at all and her body is like in purple colour. He started to feel worried, and keep on asking the midwife there, why the baby body is in purple colour one. They just said it is normal. Then don’t know what they do with the baby, finally the baby cries. Thanks god. Then they applied oxygen to my baby for a while before bathing her. 

So this is what happening during my delivery day. Really thanks God we survive this. 

Placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is an uncommon yet serious complication of pregnancy. The placenta develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It attaches to the wall of the uterus and supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen.

Placental abruption occurs when the placenta partly or completely separates from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery. This can decrease or block the baby's supply of oxygen and nutrients and cause heavy bleeding in the mother.

A Day before Induced Labour

27th November, 2021

Today is a day before my induced labour tomorrow. So spend the day resting at home and also went to buy food that I feel like eating before my delivery. Went to buy sushi king and big apple donut today to fulfill my appetite. 

Tonight asked my two boys to take photos with my Big tummy too. 

38 Weeks Pregnancy Photos

26th November, 2021

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant (Around 10 months pregnant). Went for my 12th Prenatal Visit today. Today is quite a critical moment whereas the doctor will decide whether I need to be induced labour or not after this. The ammoniac fluid is still less according to the ultrasound scanning today. So the doctor suggested us to go for induced labour within this 3 days. So we need to decide which day we opt for the delivery day to meet our baby soon. 

Cardiotocography Test (CTG)

21st November, 2021

Being asked by the doctor to do the CTG test for 3 alternate days to monitor baby's heart rate whether is normal or not. First day of the test, everything seems normal said the midwife. 

23rd November, 2021

2nd day doing the CTG test. Everything also seems normal according to the report. Got one time contraction during the process. 

25th November, 2021

3rd day doing the CTG test. Today also seems normal except I got 3 times contraction for that half an hour test. The midwife advised to take note on the contraction time and all that. Well, I think I gotta get prepared for delivery soon then. 

Covid-19 Swab Test Result

21st November, 2021

Received our Covid-19 Swab test result today. Luckily the result is all negative.

My New Haircut

21st November, 2021

Decided to cut my hair short before my delivery date. Thanks to my hubby for cutting my hair for me. 

My before and after cutting hair. 

37 Weeks Pregnancy Photos

20th November, 2021

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant. Went for my 11th Prenatal Visit today. Also done the GBS Swab Test too. The doctor said my ammoniac fluid is a bit less and the baby is also still smaller size a bit than normal baby. So starting tomorrow, I'll need to go to Columbia Hospital to do the fetal heartbeat monitoring checkup every once in a two days to monitor my baby condition. The doctor also said probably I need to be induced labour at week 38 if the ammoniac fluid is getting lesser and lesser. After hearing the news, I think my blood pressure also increased due to this. Until my blood pressure result is very high reaching 153/80. But when I check my blood pressure again when I get home, it is normal again luckily. Well I guess we'll just have to keep monitoring baby's condition for this one week and see how it is going then.

Today we also go do the Covid-19 swab test at Borneo Medical Centre. Luckily not much people doing the test and it is quite convenient as we are doing the drive through covid-19 test. We are doing the PCR test, so they are taking the sample from our nose and throat. Cost around rm220 per person. Just need to wait for the result then.

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.