Kelson 5 - 6 months

My Kelson is 6 months old now. Couldn't believe that how fast the time goes and I have been taking care of him by myself for this six months. Well, he is now an expert in rolling and he could do it in seconds too. Recently, he enjoy sitting and standing too. He is also started to learn crawling. You will see him moving his butt high up, intending to move forward by pushing his both legs but unsuccessful. He only managed to crawl backwards. I am now feeding him porridge everyday, at least 2 meals a day. I could say that my baby is really interested in food. No matter what you eat, he will also want to have a taste of it. He will shout for your attention, just to get a taste! Hahaha.....He could even sip water from the straw! Anything connected with food, he will have no problem eating or drinking it. I guess maybe when I was pregnant, I used to watch the Asian Food Channel everyday. Watching how delicious the food is. Oh yeah, and I am quite interested in baking stuff during my pregnancy, maybe this is also one of the factor. He is now quite talkative, you will hear him saying "dadadadada" all the way. Sometimes, you will be quite surprised hearing him say words like "mama or papa" accidentally. I don't think he really call us but coincidently, he pronounced the word correctly. I guess he is also as talkative as his big brother too. He is now 9kg+ and everytime we carry him out for shopping or going out for a walk, there must be some strangers came saying how cute he is and wanna pinch his face. I have to use the baby carrier or the baby sling if we wanna go out for shopping. Another big changes is he doesn't sleep in the sarong anymore during the daytime and sleeps on the bed whole day. This is one of the achievement I had for training him. Haha..... Actually we found out that kids sleeping in sarong is not really convenient. I remembered when Kelven was a baby, we have to rush back home just to let him sleep in his sarong. So now it is quite convenient for us to bring Kelson out, because he can sleeps anywhere when he is tired.

Kelven at the same age as Kelson

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Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.