Merry Christmas 2009!

This year before Christmas, Kelven has took a few photos with the Christmas tree in the mall around miri. (First photo: Boulevard Shopping Mall, Second & Third photos: Imperial Hotel)

Eventhough we are not Christian but we seems to follow a bit of their culture. A week before Christmas, we have bought a Christmas tree (medium size) and the ornaments to be decorated on the Christmas tree. Luckily we didn't spend so much on the tree because now within RM50 you can buy a tree and the decoration too at the Super Save Store (the shop that sold things very cheap mostly made in China). So on the same day, we decorated the tree, me, my hubby and my son spend the whole night hanging the ornaments on the tree and to our surprise, the tree looks really nice eventhough it was loaded with too much ornaments.



Last night was Christmas Eve, we didn't really celebrate it but the kids at home are having fun in exchanging presents at home. Seeing the kids so happy makes you happy too. Sometimes I wonder, wasn't it good if I could become a kid again?
(Each of them holding their bought present to be exchange)

(Each of them has got their chosen present)

This is Kelven's chosen present

Wedding Dinner

On 11th day of December, 2009, I have attended my office lawyer's wedding dinner at the Imperial Hotel Grand Ballroom. The food was nice and the wedding was not boring too. I guess they have spent quite a lot on hiring the people for performance such as singing, belly dancing, magic show and so on. I didn't stay till the end of the dinner wedding dinner but I still can say that the food was nice.

Me and my sister-in-law, she replaced my colleague seat

From left to right (Michelle and her daughter, Hui Ling, Ai Ling, Me and our lawyer, Raihan)
From left to right (Ai Ling, Hui Ling, My Boss, Lawyer Raihan, Lawyer Nelly(Bride) and Nelly's husband and Raihan's husband)

New Hair Cut

Last Sunday, we bring Kelven for his haircut. Take a look with his new look. Hehehe.....



Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.