SJK (C) Chung Hua Miri

Kelven is now in Primary 1 in SJK (C) Chung Hua Miri. Kelven was enrolled to SJK (C) Chung Hua Miri, two years ago, when he is in Level 2 in Kindergarten.  The reason we enrolled him in this school was because his cousin was also studying in the same school. My hubby said it will be convenient if we are not free to fetch Kelven, his auntie can help us to fetch him too. But then when we considering the distance from our house to his school, it would be better if he studies in SJK (C) Chung Hua Krokop. So before the school year started, we have been applying for transfer to SJK (C) Chung Hua Krokop. I wrote letters to the ministry of education in hope that it can be approved but it was unsuccessful. So in the end, we have no choice but to let him to study in this school. 

Two days before the school started, we have to go to the school for registration, paying for the fees, buying books and some miscellaneous stuff. Went to his classroom and meeting his class teacher. Well, let me tell you my first impression of the teacher. She is not friendly, not informative and kinda lazy to answer any of my enquiry. I am curious of lots of things so I kinda asking lots of stuff but then she gave me an answer that makes me shut my mouth, "everything is written in that list of paper, go back and read it." Oh, ok! Maybe I am too naive thinking that the teacher in Primary school will be the same as in the Kindergarten. But I am wrong and I am making myself embarassed. 

After a few months of studying in this school, he has started to get used to the life in this new environment, teachers, friends and life here. Homework is a must everyday after school. Almost everyday they are having spelling test, either in BM or Chinese. Kelven didn't go for any tuition class yet as I am teaching him after school. So everyday, I will check out his homework and guide him in doing it. Further his exam result was also not bad, ranging from 90% to 100%. So as long as he maintains this result, we won't arrange any tuition class for him yet. 

School starts at 7.00 am till 12.45pm everyday. But every morning we have to be super early around 6.40am because their school have this reading program where all the students will sit on floor and read aloud the vocabulary they have learnt. But we are still late sometimes, couldn't managed to make it on time. Recess time starts at 10.20am till 10.45am. Parents are also allowed to bring in food to their kids during the recess time but I always prepare the breakfast early morning so he will be having his recess at his class by his own. After school, everybody will have the turn on duty cleaning the classroom. Kelven will be sweeping the floor every Monday, so every Monday after school, I will go there and helping him sweeping the floor, as the teacher allowed. 

A few days ago, something has happened and it really makes me mad when thinking of it. So I am basically the tuition teacher of my son, so there is this homework that they have to do almost everyday. To copy the BM Ejaan vocabulary into their BM tulisan book. Students are given list of vocabulary for this Ejaan (so there are Ejaan 1 till Ejaan 24 as I know, which is only the list in my son BM textbook). Everyday write one of the Ejaan. So last few days, it is turn to write Ejaan 25 but my son said he doesn't have the list as the other student have it. So he couldn't do the homework that day. Ok my son was also wrong for not asking for it from the teacher i guess. So the next morning, I went and explained to the teacher that Kelven didn't do his BM tulisan homework as he didn't have the list as the other student do. So the teacher said she will check on it. So I left the class after that. But after school that day when I asked my son about it, he told me that he was being punished and scolded by the teacher because didn't do his homework. He couldn't even had his breakfast during his recess time and were asked to copy and write this Ejaan 25 during the recess time and to copy it from a friend's list. I thought the teacher is going to give him the list as everybody else have it but no...instead she scolded him and ignore the fact that my son doesn't have the list at all. So what should I do with this situation? I guess the only solution I have is to borrow the list from my son's friend, take a photo of the said list, and type the said list on my own so that my son can have the list too. I think it would be a waste of time to tell the teacher about it again, as the answer I will get is she will check on it whereas she will scold your son and punish him on it. I think to complain to the principal will also do no good right? So I will only find the solution on my own and to write all of my unsatisfied feelings into my blog in hope that one day, somebody will knew the truth of the school teaching and all that.  To let you know, I have always been polite to the teacher, never been a fussy mother as some parents would do, so it would be unfair for my son to be treated this way. I really don't wanna write this out but............

The above comments are based on my own opinion and experience, it doesn't mean to hurt or offend anybody else. Please forgive me if I do. Thank you.  

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Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.