Kelson 6 - 7 months

This month, Kelson has learnt to crawl forward. When you put something in front of him, which is out of his reach, he will struggle to get the thing himself by crawling to the object. He can also now sit in a baby chair. You can see lots of his facial expression now. He still likes to put anything into his mouth.

Kelven at the same age as Kelson

Kelven's Singing Competition

23rd September, 2011

Today is Kelven's School Singing Competition. This is the first time Kelven joined in this Competition. During last two years, he didn't have the courage to sing on the stage and in front of the audience. But this year, I had persuaded him to join as this could be the last chance and experience for him in his last year of Kindergarten. I am quite proud of him as this year, he has changed a lot. He is not as timid as before and daring to try anything this year. 

So Kelven has chosen a chinese children song, title "雨中即景" for this competition. He has fallen in love with this song on the first time he heard it. An old song that I think all of us will know this song once you heard it. He has been practice a month for it. Even though he didn't get any prize for this competition but the experience of singing on the stage is quite worth it. I guess he will remember it for his whole life. 

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.