Lunch of the Day

26th November, 2020

Cook chicken rice for lunch today with some side dishes, winter melon soup and stir fry mix vegetables. 

Homecook Lunch

23rd November, 2020

Cook easy dishes for lunch. Braised chicken with potatoes, stir fry vegetable and leftover tom yum soup from last night. 

Dinner for the Day

22nd November, 2020

Cook simple dishes for dinner.  Steam fish, grilled mussels and tom yam soup. 

Kelven's 15th Birthday

14th November, 2020

Happy 15th Birthday, Kelven! Bought his favourite cake from Secret Recipe and had Milk Tea and Sugarbun for dinner. 

New House in Progress

14th November, 2020

Since last year we have been looking for a new house. We have been going around visiting lots of show houses. Finally decided to buy a single storey intermediate terraced house at South Lake Area based on our financial situation. 

This is how the showroom looks like. 

Then I have been trying to apply for my company loan, trying my luck if my loan can be approved. After a month, luckily i got it. We are feeling so happy. This is also one of our dream, to have our own small house, designing it with our favourite design.  

It has been a while since we went for a visit to our newly bought house. This is how the construction of our house has completed for the moment. 

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.