Part-time job

Yesterday I have started my part-time teaching job at my ex-company. But this is my first experience in teaching mandarin. To my surprise, only three students appeared for the lesson. It has been one year plus since the last time i taught. So i felt a bit nervous and don't know what to say or do at certain time. Furthermore, I am not an expert in Mandarin so it's a bit challenging to me. But i feel comfortable teaching and I didn't even realise that the time has come to an end. One and a half hour teaching for RM25, worth it right? So hopefully my body would have the strength to work overtime for four days a week.

A little bit comment of my ex-company, i found that the place is an abandon city or some sort of ghost city. The students are not much left. It is like waiting to close down already. I will just wait and see how's the condition and if it gone worst, i will just say bye bye to all of them.

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

Recently, I have read a book which title " The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die". I found it quite meaningful. Just to share with you all.

The Five Secrets

1. Be true to Yourself

(Reflect More)

2. Leave No Regrets

(Risk More)

3. Become Love

(Love More)

4. Live the Moment

(Enjoy More)

5. Give More Than You Take

(Return More)

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.