Kelson 1st Fall

19th August, 2011

Today is the day of my Kelson 1st fall. What does it mean by 1st fall? This is the first time he has fallen down from the bed. He is pretty active now and he has really mastered the skill rolling over. He can now moved easily to any place he wanna go by just rolling over to his desired place. 

This day, as usual, I am cooking the baby rice for my Kelson. Seeing Kelven so free in the bedroom, I had asked him to take care of his little brother for me. So I left Kelson together with Kelven in the bedroom. I am quite relief that I could do the housework easily without Kelson bugging me. Further, his daddy also in the bedroom sleeping. I thought it is pretty safe for me to go downstair and do my stuff. 

While I was doing my stuff downstair, I heard a loud cry from the bedroom. But I didn't go and see immediately what has happened as I know my hubby will take care of Kelson too. So I finished my stuff in my own pace and then went upstair to my room and found out that my Kelson forehead has bruised. Pity him! He has fallen from the bed. Luckily our mattress is put on the floor. So it wasn't really high from the floor. 

Kelven's face wasn't looking good too. As I know, he must have been scolded by his dad. When I try to understand what has happened. I started to get angry too. Why? Because when Kelson was already at the edge of the bed, he was actually right in front of Kelven eyes but this big brother didn't even aware of it. How could that be? Kelven was so into his PSP games and didn't even notice that his little brother is going to fall soon. Oh my gosh!

Further another ridiculous thing hubby said in a blur blur mind of state, he has seen Kelson rolled over to the edge of bed but then he was too tired to even wake up and falled asleep again. So nobody managed to save him and then he falls. Oh, no!

Luckily, his bruised has already recovered by now. As people said, it is common for kids to fall in their childhood. The more they fall, the more grown up they are. 

Kelson with his bruised forehead

Kelson 4 - 5 months

My Kelson is 5 months now. It was an amazing feeling when you see your baby getting grown up days by days. During this month, he has learnt a lot of new skill. He can now roll over easily but he still got the problem of rolling back. He still needs the help of us to roll him back. He has started to pronounce words like "bu bu bu" and started to recognize people. If somebody he has never seen before carry him, he will stare at his face for a long time, trying to figure out who he is. When he found out it is a stranger, he will started to cry out loud. When you left him alone in the room or the living room, he will cry out loud to get your attention. But if you play with him, he will be so happy and laugh out loud too. Seeing him laugh will carry all your worries away. :)

Kelven at the same age as Kelson

A Day at the Park

22nd July, 2011

The weather is quite good today so we decided to go have a walk at the park. It has been a while since the last time we went for a walk at the park. Kelven was overexcited because he wants to feed the fish. This is also the first time we brought Kelson together to the park. He has been quite excited because he didn't even make a noise when we are there. I guess he is enjoying seeing all the trees and flowers and the smell of fresh air too. Took some photos at the park. 


My 28th Birthday

14th July, 2011

Happy 28th Birthday to me!!! This year my birthday was as ordinary as always. We didn't really do any celebration as after 28th birthday you have been through, you have found out that it was only an anniversary of your birthday, nothing much special. Birthday is more special to the kids, I think. But I am still lucky enough to receive all the birthday wishes from all my friends and family.

Me and Kelson on my 28th Birthday. Getting old....Boo...hoo...hoo

My hubby had also make my birthday a special day. He has given me the most expensive birthday present ever, a laptop. Early in the morning, when I checked my facebook, my hubby is the first person wishing me happy birthday and with love you too. So sweet! Heart melted...Then he said wanna bring me out for breakfast at Grand Palace Hotel together with my dad and mom-in-law. Eating nice and delicious dim sum. Yum! Yum! Well, then in the afternoon, he bought me my favorite dessert, soya jelly from yakin. the evening, he and Kelven went to secret recipe to buy me two slices of cakes...Oreo cheese and chocolate cheese. I am having a great taste of food today. Yummy!

My Birthday Present from my Hubby

My Favourite Cakes from Kelven

Dinner time, my best friend from Sibu has also bought my favorite food for me, 奶油螃蟹, butter milk crab. Delicious yeah! My Birthday is basically about food food food but I am having a great time enjoying it....

Butter Milk Crab from my best friend

Thanks everyone for making my day so special! I will never forget it for my whole life. Happy happy 28th birthday!

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.