Yvonne 1 - 2 Months

28th December - 28th January, 2021

Yvonne is going into second month now. Starting from this month, my hubby and I have to learn to take care of her by our own. It's quite a challenging task for us since it has been 10 years ago, we have the experience of taking care of a newborn baby. 

So during this month, we have tried a lot of ways to make sure baby Yvonne is happy and comfortable. Since last month, I have found out that baby Yvonne's fart and poop is quite smelly. Been asking the confinement lady whether it is normal or not, she said it's normal and to her it is not smelly. During the first week of us taking care of Baby Yvonne, she seems to be very cranky especially during night time. She can cry for no reason and she couldn't sleep well for around 4 hours time. In the end, we tried to change her formula milk from Enfalac brand to S-26 brand and found out her fart and poop no longer smelly anymore. But she is still very cranky during having her milk and still very gassy. 

Then we also tried lots of traditional ways to cure her crankiness, like putting daddy's pant on her sleeping cot; eat 惊风散; apply 如意油 on her tummy; bath with 七色花 (put some water and put under the sunshine and use the water to bath her at 12 noon); standing in front of our house door, calling her name using her pyjamas for three times and letting her wears it during the night. These probably helps for a short time then it's the same again. 

Some people advised us to just let her cry, don't make her get used to us hugging her always and she sure will stop after tired crying. We really got tried for one night, in the end she cried even hysterically until even choking with her own saliva. Then we give up of this method as I also couldn't bear hearing her crying sounds, it really makes my heart breaks and I can't stop crying too seeing her like that. 

During the second week, baby Yvonne seems to be sleeping most of the time during daytime and awake during midnight time. This is quite tiring for us as we are so sleepy and tired but she seems to be excited with her eyes wide open and being cranky till we dunno what to do with her. We even give up stopping her from using the sarong to cradle her. But it doesn't seems to help much. Probably is her body clock is adjusting itself to get used to day time and night time. 

We even bring her cloth to ask God whether what is wrong with her. They said she was being shocked by loud noises like that. Then need to bath her with flower water and wear the same clothes that has already stamped by God. Hope it really helps. Well, this does really helps a bit with her midnight crying. 

During the 3rd weeks to 4th weeks, baby Yvonne body clock seems to be adjusting to normal routine. She will sleeps around 9 - 11pm, then wakes up for one milking time around 2 - 3am, and wakes up again around 6 - 8am in the morning. 

On 14th January, we still feel worried so bring baby Yvonne to see doctor to check her condition. In the end, the doctor said she is probably have milk allergy or intolerance with the milk powder. Doctor advices is to change the milk formula that has partially hydrolysed protein, which is more easier for baby to digest the protein. So we changed to Similac TC brand for her to try and see how's her condition then. 

After trying Similac Tc for almost 2 weeks, we found out that baby Yvonne will still cranky during her milking time, couldn't finished her milk sometimes and still gassy too. Her fart also seems smelly plus she only poop once in every two to three days. Feels like this milk formula also not suitable for her. 

So starting from 26th January, we changed to another milk powder brand, recommended by pharmacist, Morinaga brand. They said this brand is from Japan and quite a lot of Baby suitable to drink this brand because of its taste and texture is very similar to breast milk. Hope this time we found the most suitable milk formula for her. 

After a few days trying the Morinaga brand milk powder, baby Yvonne seems to be suitable with it. Her poop is becoming normal and she is not cranky anymore during her milk time except if she is having stomachache before farting. She is still gassy but her fart is not smelly anymore. The fart will only smelly before her poo time. 

As we are unsure what cause her crankiness, so we can only tried various method to help.

At this month, baby Yvonne finally smile if we played with her. Seeing her smile makes you forget all your tiredness and worries. Now she normally will be awake around 1 hour for milking and play with us before going back to sleep. 

Wonder how she has grown up now? 

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Dinner Gathering with Allan

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