Merry Christmas 2009!

This year before Christmas, Kelven has took a few photos with the Christmas tree in the mall around miri. (First photo: Boulevard Shopping Mall, Second & Third photos: Imperial Hotel)

Eventhough we are not Christian but we seems to follow a bit of their culture. A week before Christmas, we have bought a Christmas tree (medium size) and the ornaments to be decorated on the Christmas tree. Luckily we didn't spend so much on the tree because now within RM50 you can buy a tree and the decoration too at the Super Save Store (the shop that sold things very cheap mostly made in China). So on the same day, we decorated the tree, me, my hubby and my son spend the whole night hanging the ornaments on the tree and to our surprise, the tree looks really nice eventhough it was loaded with too much ornaments.



Last night was Christmas Eve, we didn't really celebrate it but the kids at home are having fun in exchanging presents at home. Seeing the kids so happy makes you happy too. Sometimes I wonder, wasn't it good if I could become a kid again?
(Each of them holding their bought present to be exchange)

(Each of them has got their chosen present)

This is Kelven's chosen present

Wedding Dinner

On 11th day of December, 2009, I have attended my office lawyer's wedding dinner at the Imperial Hotel Grand Ballroom. The food was nice and the wedding was not boring too. I guess they have spent quite a lot on hiring the people for performance such as singing, belly dancing, magic show and so on. I didn't stay till the end of the dinner wedding dinner but I still can say that the food was nice.

Me and my sister-in-law, she replaced my colleague seat

From left to right (Michelle and her daughter, Hui Ling, Ai Ling, Me and our lawyer, Raihan)
From left to right (Ai Ling, Hui Ling, My Boss, Lawyer Raihan, Lawyer Nelly(Bride) and Nelly's husband and Raihan's husband)

New Hair Cut

Last Sunday, we bring Kelven for his haircut. Take a look with his new look. Hehehe.....



Kelven's Colouring Competition

20th November, 2009

This day was Kelven's Colouring Competition at the Miri Civic Centre. Kelven was selected from his class to participate in the Colouring Competition sponsored by VICO and held by the Miri City Council at the Miri Civic Centre (Miri Public Library). Too bad, in the end, he didn't won any prizes for the competition. I think the picture that they gave them to colour is quite hard for his age. Furthermore, lots of other school are also participating, so chances of winning also very low. Well, as long as he has experience how a colouring competition is, it should be enough.

November-a busy month

My Part time Job
I have been teaching part-time for almost 2 months but finally i have decided to quit the part time job. A lot has happen actually. When I got my salary last month for my part-time teaching, I was so shocked to find out that it was so much less than what i expected. I am supposed getting RM400 per month but they only gave me RM320 only last month. After spending time calculating again and again, then I knew they only gave me RM20 per session not RM25 per session as promised. I have called the company and asked about it, they said they will check it out for me. But then after waiting for a reply for quite a long time, I called again and said if they didn't give me a good explaination then i will stop teaching immediately. Well, finally they said there are some misunderstood between the accountant and the headquarter, so they will pay me back the shortfall together with my next month salary. But after long consideration, I think it's not really worth it to work with a company which is not trustable and reliable, so I had taught until 20th this month, exactly the day of the closing of the company account. So that they won't owe me extra salary again. Hopefully I can get my teaching salary next month. Who knows they are going to do the same thing again later.
Kelven's Prize Giving Ceremony 14th November, 2009
This day was Kelven's School Prize Giving Ceremony started at 8.30 a.m. till 11.00 a.m. This morning, we woke up very early just to get prepared for this big day. Kelven has got 3 prizes this year for chinese, english and drawing competition. One 3rd prize and the rest are consolation prize. We are so proud of him.

Kelven's 4th Birthday 14th November, 2009 Today is also Kelven's 4th Birthday. We have made a small celebration at home by ordering some dishes from the restaurant to eat at home, a birthday cake and his cousins to play with him along of course, the same as last year. He was very happy coz he got lots of presents today.

Part-time job

Yesterday I have started my part-time teaching job at my ex-company. But this is my first experience in teaching mandarin. To my surprise, only three students appeared for the lesson. It has been one year plus since the last time i taught. So i felt a bit nervous and don't know what to say or do at certain time. Furthermore, I am not an expert in Mandarin so it's a bit challenging to me. But i feel comfortable teaching and I didn't even realise that the time has come to an end. One and a half hour teaching for RM25, worth it right? So hopefully my body would have the strength to work overtime for four days a week.

A little bit comment of my ex-company, i found that the place is an abandon city or some sort of ghost city. The students are not much left. It is like waiting to close down already. I will just wait and see how's the condition and if it gone worst, i will just say bye bye to all of them.

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

Recently, I have read a book which title " The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die". I found it quite meaningful. Just to share with you all.

The Five Secrets

1. Be true to Yourself

(Reflect More)

2. Leave No Regrets

(Risk More)

3. Become Love

(Love More)

4. Live the Moment

(Enjoy More)

5. Give More Than You Take

(Return More)

My 26th Birthday

This year, I am having a very simple birthday. Since it's a working day, I still have to work. But the office did buy me a cake. Just like the year before. Well, going back home, we were thinking of eating out but then the plan has been cancelled because I am not feeling well. But it's still ok because my hubby surprise me with a cake too. I think it's because I did mention to him that I want to eat cake this year. I am very happy and to my surprise again, my best friend had asked her brother in Miri to buy me a cake too. Can you imagine, I am having three cakes for my birthday this year! It's really my luck because I like to eat cakes. My son is also very excited because he can blow the candles for me too. Hehe....Anyway, thanks for those who sent their wishes to me through message, or phone call and the cakes too.

Third Prize

Last month, my son has joined the rhyme recitation competition at his school. To our surprise he has got number three in the competition. We didn't have much confidence on him but he really make it. We couldn't believe that he would be daring to perform on the stage and in front of the teachers and audience. We are so proud of him.

Life's Updates...

It has been a while since I have wrote something in my blogs. I think the last blog that I wrote was before the Chinese New Year. So let me updates a few things here.....

So the Chinese New Year 2009 to me was the most boring year to me. My mom and sis didn't come back this year. Furthermore my best friend from Sibu also didn't come back to Miri this year. So I have been spending my one week chinese new year holiday resting at home and follow my hubby go whenever he goes. Mostly is to his friend's house visiting..........But I am still happy because I still have the chance to wear my new clothes. Hehe.....Too bad I didn't take any photo of me wearing the new clothes.

On the 4th day of Chinese New Year, 29th January 2009, my best friend has given birth to a cute daughter, named Joanne. I was so happy for her as she is now a mother too. Well, she has sent me some of her daughter's photos. I think the baby looks like the combination of my best friend and her hubby. Hope that my best friend will bring her baby back to Miri one day and visit us here. Hehe......can't wait!

On the 7th day of Chinese New Year, our whole family (I mean my hubby's family including us) have been to the photo studio to take the family album. But until now nobody seems want to take the photos back. Do you know why? Because the photos are really ugly. Don't know how the photographer took the photos. It seems like everybody faces have been pulled long like a horse face and in every photo, my son didn't even give a smile. Just like the bitter gourd face. So we don't want to waste our money to get this kind of photos....but if my in law them did get the photo, i will upload it on my blog here.

So after the Chinese New Year, I am back with my busy work life, my son's schooling and housework too. Life still goes on eventhough you are so lazy to work. Did I mention that my salary was increased to RM1100 this year? Well, eventhough I should be happy for that but it is still not enough for me to cover our expenses. Haiz......Furthermore, my boss is a maniac. Sometimes when his mood is good, then you will feel relieve that the day is so peaceful. But when he is unhappy, no matter what you have done will be a mistake to him. He will use the toothpick and pick all the things that is left on your teeth. Do you know what I mean?

Oh ya, about the Brunei job, i didn't accepted the offer that they gave me. Do you know how much they offer me? Only Brunei dollars 800 per month, provided hostel only. So after thinking twice, I rejected the offer. You still have to pay for your own meal and you have to do tuition to the kids at night time. My god, thinking of that, it's not worth it to work there. So for the meantime, I wouldn't think of working in Brunei anymore as it wasn't as good as I expected.

My son started schooling for the first week of Chinese New Year, but the second week, he has got this Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease. So he has to stop schooling for two weeks. So we are so worried about him during that time. His whole body is full of red spots and his mouth is full of ulcers. Luckily he still have the appetite to eat and drink. If not, the doctor said he might have to be admitted to the hospital. So, finally he is now fully recovered from the disease but we are very careful nowadays, not to bring him to crowded places and take care of the cleanliness and hygiene of the house and body.

Well, lots of things happen but we still have to be strong to face the day. Life goes on.......

New Year 2009

A year has passed and yet .... I still can't see any achievement in my career. Furthermore chinese new year is coming soon. It was so scary that time has passed so fast without you even realised it. Well, I wish everyone will have a good life this year, added with the economic crisis that the whole world is facing now, it is really going to be a tough year for all of us.

Today, I have been to my son's school to settle his school stuff. School is opening this coming Monday. We have to buy some textbook for semester one, pay some miscellaneous fees and buy uniforms too. Can you imagine how much we have spend on all this stuff? We spent around RM800.00 for registration fees, deposit, books, uniform, insurance and miscellaneous. So scary! Luckily I did save some money for his school thing, if not, don't know how to let him go to school. So we have decided to put him for one whole day at school. So means that he is going to study there in the morning then afternoon, he will sleeps, bath, have lunch and spend the day there until 5.00pm.....He seems to be happy with the school because this morning when we were there, I have told him about the school and said he will be going to school starting from next week. Do you know what did he tell me after a while? He asked me to go to work so that he can study there now. So funny when I heard that....Hopefully he can enjoy his studies there.

Well, I didn't told anyone about this, but actually I have been applying to teach in Brunei school. Just now, I have got some news from them to ask me to go for an interview. Well, i guess within this few days, I will get some more news from them whether to have the interview in Miri or Brunei. Maybe some of you will be shocked why am I choosing to work there. I think you should know, with my salary now, it's so hard to survive at all. So I hope if i work there I could at least get Brunei dollars for salary. Then the income would be more compared than now. So how about my son, I haven't thought of it yet but I guess possibly he will be in Miri. He still need to study right? Well, just let see how it goes. Furthermore, it is not confirm yet.

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.