November-a busy month

My Part time Job
I have been teaching part-time for almost 2 months but finally i have decided to quit the part time job. A lot has happen actually. When I got my salary last month for my part-time teaching, I was so shocked to find out that it was so much less than what i expected. I am supposed getting RM400 per month but they only gave me RM320 only last month. After spending time calculating again and again, then I knew they only gave me RM20 per session not RM25 per session as promised. I have called the company and asked about it, they said they will check it out for me. But then after waiting for a reply for quite a long time, I called again and said if they didn't give me a good explaination then i will stop teaching immediately. Well, finally they said there are some misunderstood between the accountant and the headquarter, so they will pay me back the shortfall together with my next month salary. But after long consideration, I think it's not really worth it to work with a company which is not trustable and reliable, so I had taught until 20th this month, exactly the day of the closing of the company account. So that they won't owe me extra salary again. Hopefully I can get my teaching salary next month. Who knows they are going to do the same thing again later.
Kelven's Prize Giving Ceremony 14th November, 2009
This day was Kelven's School Prize Giving Ceremony started at 8.30 a.m. till 11.00 a.m. This morning, we woke up very early just to get prepared for this big day. Kelven has got 3 prizes this year for chinese, english and drawing competition. One 3rd prize and the rest are consolation prize. We are so proud of him.

Kelven's 4th Birthday 14th November, 2009 Today is also Kelven's 4th Birthday. We have made a small celebration at home by ordering some dishes from the restaurant to eat at home, a birthday cake and his cousins to play with him along of course, the same as last year. He was very happy coz he got lots of presents today.

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Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.