Kelson 1 - 2 months

Time goes so fast and now my Kelson is already 2 months old. The most happiest thing I have this time is......Kelson first smile. Seeing his smile makes you forgot how much tired you are taking care of him. Wanna see how he looks now?

Some photos with mommy, daddy and brother Kelven

Kelven photos at the same age as Kelson

Spooky News

Heard some spooky news from my hubby last night. Do you know TOYS R US in Parkson, Miri? It is one of our favourite place to go. I love to be surrounded by all the toys. It makes me feel like I am getting back to my childhood. Hehe.....My son, Kelven loves to go there too, his number one favourite shopping destination. But after we have heard this story from my hubby, both of us, me and Kelven don't dare to go there anymore. Why? Let me tell you what I heard.

It was said that there is ghost in the shop. A worker from the shop has been sick after encountered with the strange experience. On one night, as usual, he was preparing to close the shop, turning off all the lights and electricity, and while he was pulling down the door and preparing to lock the door, he heard kid's voice coming from inside the shop. Feeling worried that there are some kids being locked in the shop, he went to find out where the voice come from.  

Then he found out there are footprints on the floor, following the footprints, it leads him to a toy (not sure which toy, but heard that it was sort of doll type of toy) which talk to him like a human does. He was so shocked and was then fainted after that. Heard that he was then sick for almost one month and his sickness is also quite weird, not some ordinary sickness. He couldn't talk for almost a month.

There is a friend of my hubby showing the photos of the footprint to my hubby and my hubby said he has goose bumps right after seeing that photo. Isn't that scary???

Chicken Pox!!!

17th April, 2011

Couldn't believe that I could get chicken pox at such age. Thought I am already free from chicken pox but to my dismay, this whole two weeks was a suffer for me. My advice for everyone, better get it when you were young rather than having it when you are an adult.

Last night, I was started to feel different. I felt a terrible headache and backache before I went to sleep. I have an instinct that I was going to be sick soon. At first, I thought it was only normal sickness such as fever or what. But on the next day, I am starting to feel so cold and slowly I found out that there were rashes on my face. And slowly I saw blisters were grown on the rashes. Something is not right, my instinct told me that this is not ordinary fever. So I quickly verified the symptom with my mom and she told me exactly what I was having now. She advised me to see the doctor immediately.

The next day, I went to see the doctor early in the morning. The doctor has examined the blisters and confirmed that it is really chicken pox. I was so worried then because I am still having a newborn baby with me. The doctor advised me that if possible get someone to take care of the baby for me as it is quite suffering for a newborn baby to get chicken pox. But now we are still not sure whether Kelson has already gotten the virus from me or not. I was given some medication to relief the chicken pox and it costs me around RM100 for all those.

Being back home, the symptom of the chicken pox are becoming more and more serious. I am starting to have high fever. The pox are getting more and more, on my face, body, scalp and even in my mouth and ear too. I am starting to feel so suffering and couldn't even take care of my baby anymore. My hubby and mom-in-law has helped me to take care of Kelson.

This condition has continued for at least three days. I couldn't remember what I have done this three days but mostly I was sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. The pox has finally grown on my hands and legs too. But it wasn't as much as it was on my face. All the pox were so itchy and painful too. How I wish they could disappeared soon. It was still not totally dried up till now. I have to be quarantined for at least two weeks. Oh, hopefully it won't leave scars on my face.....Wanna have a look at how ugly I am with the pox? This is how it is......

Meet Up with my Mom

30th March, 2011

My Mom came back to Miri from KL on 28th March till 30th March. Too bad I can only managed to meet up with her on the 30th March. With a little baby now, it is not convenient to go anywhere anymore. Luckily, I could take a day leave as a full time mother and meet up with my mom. Feeling so happy today! Met my mom at Yakin Coffee Shop then brought her for a walk at Parkson Shopping Mall. After that, went to have red bean soup around town. Then went to my auntie house before sending my mom to the airport. Miss my mom so much.....

My Mom and Kelson

My mom, Kelson and me

My mom and my auntie

My Mom and Kelven

My mom, Kelven and me

Kelson's Full Moon Day

27th March, 2011

Today is Kelson's full moon day. We are having a party at our house. Inviting friends and family to our house for dinner. Thank you everyone for coming and thank you for those who gave present to our Kelson.  

Kelson on his big day

Presents for Kelson

Dinner Gathering with Allan

 20th October, 2023 Today we went for dinner gathering with Allan. This is probably the last gathering dinner we will have as colleagues.