Happy New Year 2013

1st January, 2013

Another year has gone and here comes year 2013. Just felt that time goes in a blink. There goes my life for three decade. Never thought of how I would be in the next ten years but as long as my family and I are healthy and happy, I guess nothing is mattered anymore. 

What did I achieve in year 2012? Well, to summarize I am kinda of living in a world of my own. Being a full time housewife, my life is just focused on my kids and my family. I have not been working for two years already and I think my brain is kinda rusted. But then I didn't waste my time at home doing nothing at least. I spent most of my time with my online boutique, upgraded from a blogshop http://wefashionhouse.blogspot.com to a website www.wefashionhouse.com. Further I upgraded myself in my baking skills, bake cakes and cookies during my free time and found that I am really into this kind of stuff, i mean in baking. 

But most of the time, I spent it with my kids, taking care of them, guiding them, teaching them and what every mother would do to their kids. Being a full time housewife and mother making me realized that how great my mom were. I can really understand how my mom sacrificed all her time for us and now it's my time to sacrifice all my time for them. But then I knew all this sacrifices will be worth it and I will be the best mom to them. 

With me not having a job, my hubby has really sacrificed a lot too. He is now the main provider of our family. He has been working really hard, day and night and without day off too. I really have to thank him for letting me to have the kind of life I have now. Without him, I don't think I can have such a great family and freedom to do something which is more to my interest rather than profit earning. I love you forever, hubby. You are the one letting me know that what a true love is. 

Well, I guess that's all about me at the year of 2012. In the end, I wish everyone for the best in Year 2013.

My two loving sons....Mommy love you both forever ^_^

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